Shampoobar Lion

Shampoobar Lion is a perfect remedy to stimulate hair growth. Ayurvedic kapoor kachli root powder increases the vitality of the hair, gives more volume and makes the hair look thicker. Your scalp soothes and hair roots strengthens which can help for hair growth.

Tomorrow is the annual world Lion day and in astrology Leo is in August the sign of zodiac. Leos liked admired and are very comfortable being the center of attention. When using shampoobar Lion your look will match your personality!

Also Leo is sun sign and finally it seems to be a sunny day tomorrow when we are with our products on the biologische markt in Zutphen. We produced extra amount of shampoobar Lion . Come en masse to enjoy summer in August!

See you🌞


Posted: 09-08-2023 08:52:33


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